Popcorn Shooter
You will need: Foam balls, hoops or polyspots, and a large ball bin or bucket.
How to play: Players work as a team to get all of the balls (popcorn kernels) into a bucket/ball bin (popcorn bowl) in the middle of the space by throwing them. Polyspots or hoops are spread out at varying distances around the bucket which players must throw from. Remind players they can only have one ball at a time and must throw from a different hoop/spot each time. For a challenge, time the group to see how long it takes to get all the balls into the bucket then try to beat that time in the second round.
- Adjust the distance from the hoops/polyspots to the bucket to increase or decrease difficulty.
- Challenge players to throw using their non-dominant hand.
- Change the size of the ball/ buckets to increase or decrease difficulty (smaller bucket to make it more challenging, or smaller balls/bean bags to make it easier).
Introductory activity
Extension activity
Grade 3
Physical literacy
Develop and apply a variety of fundamental movement skills in a variety of physical activities and environments
Apply a variety of movement concepts and strategies in different physical activities
Develop and demonstrate safety, fair play, and leadership in physical activities
Healthy and active living
Participate daily in physical activity at moderate to vigorous intensity levels
Identify and describe opportunities for and potential challenges to being physically active at school, at home, and in the community
Explore and describe strategies for pursuing personal healthy living goals
Grade 4
Physical literacy
Develop and apply a variety of fundamental movement skills in a variety of physical activities and environments
Apply a variety of movement concepts and strategies in different physical activities
Develop and demonstrate safety, fair play, and leadership in physical activities
Healthy and active living
Participate daily in physical activity at moderate to vigorous intensity levels
Identify and describe opportunities for and potential challenges to participation in preferred types of physical activity at school, at home, and in the community
Identify and apply strategies for pursuing personal healthy living goals
Grade 5
Physical literacy
Develop and apply a variety of fundamental movement skills in a variety of physical activities and environments
Apply a variety of movement concepts and strategies in different physical activities
Develop and demonstrate safety, fair play, and leadership in physical activities
Healthy and active living
Participate daily in physical activity at moderate to vigorous intensity levels
Identify and describe opportunities for and potential challenges to participation in preferred types of physical activity at school, at home, and in the community
Identify, apply, and reflect on strategies used to pursue personal healthy living goals
Grade 6
Physical literacy
Develop, refine, and apply fundamental movement skills in a variety of physical activities and environments
Develop and apply a variety of movement concepts and strategies in different physical activities
Develop and demonstrate safety, fair play, and leadership in physical activities
Healthy and active living
Participate daily in physical activity designed to enhance and maintain health components of fitness
Describe how students’ participation in physical activities at school, at home, and in the community can influence their health and fitness
Identify, apply, and reflect on strategies used to pursue personal healthy living goals
Grade 7
Physical literacy
Develop, refine, and apply fundamental movement skills in a variety of physical activities and environments
Develop and apply a variety of movement concepts and strategies in different physical activities
Develop and demonstrate safety, fair play, and leadership in physical activities
Healthy and active living
Participate daily in physical activity designed to enhance and maintain health components of fitness
Describe how students’ participation in physical activities at school, at home, and in the community can influence their health and fitness
Identify, apply, and reflect on strategies used to pursue personal healthy living goals